Sunday, October 17, 2010

Let's do the time warp....AGAIN!

With Halloween looming in the near distance, I'm gonna bloggg about this here photo. 2002, I can't remember who's idea it was, probably Jason's, but twas a great year. First of all, Justin (Rocky/creation) couldn't stop complaining about his golden undies. They were made by Jason (Scientist) with large gold glitter pieces that were manufactured to cause harsh chaffing. Nextly, one of my favorite Halloween memories of all time is watching Jason fumble and stumble around in giant heels (specially purchased from Risque's ((sex shop!)) in old Minot) on the icy late October grounds. Jess is Magenta (a Domestic), not here because she had to work. To this day she brings up how shitty it is that she isn't in this picture; there is a separate photo of her and I maybe will photo shop it in...someday...maybe. Carmen! recently re-watching the movie I realized she pretty much has the same haircut as Columbia (Groupie), how perfect, Jason did her makeup and at the time she had much smaller boobery and Jason make-uped her cleavage in. She recently bought tap shoes. 8 years too late! I'm Janet. Who else would I be? Our friend Corrine, who showed up later was Brad (Hero). Anyhoo, we went to a party with a bunch of douche alternakids and a good time was had by all. Except Justin, who was chaffing. And Jason fell on some ice, half naked in his big drag heels.

That's about all I remember about the night, oh except there was a lot of: "Janet!" "Brad!" "Rocky!" "OH Rocky!"

Glee is going to ruin this memory for me.

Also, I'm very sad we didn't have an Eddie. Meatloaf has an awesome voice.

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