Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Right Decision.

I am drinking alone at work on an empty hungover stomach. What does this say about me? Perseverance? Strength of character? High-functioning alcoholic? Who cares, the cocktails here are top fuckin notch, and don't you forget it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Return Of The Mac

I feel obligated to blog, as I am fairly inebriated. But I have nothing to say to you assholes. That's right, I said what everyone is thinking. What are you gonna do about it? That's right, you got nothin'. You're boring. I'm out.

Waiting for Pizza.

I feel like I'm cheating
but I am not as drunk
as I should be.

Waiting for pizza
is the worst.

I can almost taste you,

Thin crust.

I refresh your online ordering
and watch the bar change
across my screen


Any minute now
it will say
you are being delivered
to me.

But my stomach loudly
reminds me
that I am still hungry

and still waiting.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


drunk haiku

i googled haiku
just to make sure i'm doing
it right and i am

drunk haiku

samuel adams beer
doesn't count as real beer but
i am desperate

drunk haiku

'twas cliffbar's b-day
when i got home from the bar
i ate cottage cheese

happy bday, you stupid bitch.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Songs In The Key Of Life

Just spotted, A and S learning about jobs with benefits. Is the wind of change finally blowing something well deserved in their respected directions? Lubricated with discount Spanish bebidas, they are overheard gushing about work for the first time in far too long.

Looks like, for the time being, everything's coming up Sugar.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Burning Bridges

So. I hate my job. And I have a new job. But I have four days left at the job I HATE. I didn't realize how much I hated my job until I got the new one. I wouldn't let myself. At this point, I feel like...okay I'm going into metaphor mode...
I bought a pair of shoes out of necessity, I didn't really like them, but I needed them. They never really fit right and I've been looking for a new, affordable pair ever since. I recently discovered a new pair of shoes; I haven't tried them on or anything, but they look a hell of a lot better than my last pair. So at this point, I'm wearing the old shoes and I'm trying to decide if I should maybe just toss them and walk barefoot for a few miles until I get the new shoes. It's risky; I can't see the road ahead, it could be full of broken glass! But it could be so much easier than walking in these uncomfortable, crappy, ugly shoes. If this wasn't a metaphor, I would totally toss the old shoes and go barefoot. Fuck broken glass.

Fuck broken glass.

This has nothing to do with my post.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

1st patio bloody of the season @ Burrito Loco

Smokey Bloody

March sixteenth and the snow is mostly melted...at least on the patios of Minneapolis bars! I was in Dinkytown area for a friend's birthday, so we headed to B-loc's for a celebratory bloody and a shot of, what else, but Windsor Canadian Whiskey! I was completely floored to find this bloody to be delivered void of any garnishes or salted rim. Question Mark?? I also had to ask for the beer chaser...? Lowpoints aside, this b-loc bloody has flabbergasted my tastebuds beyond belief. If there was a sun-dried tomato-based tomato juice, then that must be what they have at b-loc's (even though I can only imagine extracting juice from a sun-DRIED tomato would be prohibitivley difficult). This bloody had a smooth, mildly spicy flavor with a hint of smokeyness, and the perfect undertone of vine-ripened tomaotes. Also something I happen to really appreciate: the visual evidence of celery seeds rather than celery salt.

On flavor alone this bloody was simply TDF (to die for), and despite the lack of salted rim and granishes, I can definitely stand behind this bloody. Although I did not order food during this sitting, I can say from experince that a fat burrito from b-loc's would have gone stunningly alongside of this robust bloody mary.

Please excuse me for not paying close attention to the tab today--I was a little over the top and didn't make sure to total the price of this particular bloody, but instead the entire tab: 1 bloody and 1 shot of Canadian Winsdor ran me 11.30$
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Monday, March 14, 2011

2-4-1 bloody!! Herkimer

Hello Friends,

Herkimer bloody

Today i had a delicious spicy, very spicy, bloody mary at the Herkimer! 3-6 daily is happy hour 2 fo 1's even on bloodys also included a beer chaser. This bloody was a delicious, some would even say sinfully spicy treat. It also was a little chunky, but in a totally good way. Garnished with only an equally spicy pickle for a classic simple presentation. I also took advantage of the 3$ apps (maj). I paired my bloody mary's with the "fondue" which i had already ate half of before i remembered to snap a pic.

This little app consisted of a creamy and smooth tomato basil soup accompanied by white and multi-grain, cheddar and mozz grilled cheese bites. Perfect for one or possibly two less hungry bloody adventurers.

At a grand total of 8.50$, 5.50$ for two bloody's and 3$ for the fondue, it was really an afternoon steal!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Sometimes you quit jobs for better Mr. Sunshine ones.

Sometimes you drink with great friends who make you laugh.

Sometimes you have three martinis at places where you know sous chefs you hug you weirdly.

Sometimes you get accosted by old men who want to prove that weather exists because of god.

Sometimes your friends drink out of eight straws.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Dearest Dior

Did you miss me?

Just spotted at the Dive bar, A, S and Miss J in an attempt to get the band back together. Aren't we glad S is done with her hiatus from The Bottle? Girl talk, boy talk and Bitch talk ran rampant tonight with the lubrication of three pitchers of The Club's cheapest ale. We hear that S will be sharpening her knives and A will be polishing her glasses at new locales. Congrats ladies, this could be the start of better and brighter futures. Saying goodbye to the past shouldn't be so easy.

Glad to be back.

Until next time,

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This post is about Shannon.

Day drinking with long lost friends is the best. Wish I could afford to make it a habit.