Wednesday, March 16, 2011

1st patio bloody of the season @ Burrito Loco

Smokey Bloody

March sixteenth and the snow is mostly least on the patios of Minneapolis bars! I was in Dinkytown area for a friend's birthday, so we headed to B-loc's for a celebratory bloody and a shot of, what else, but Windsor Canadian Whiskey! I was completely floored to find this bloody to be delivered void of any garnishes or salted rim. Question Mark?? I also had to ask for the beer chaser...? Lowpoints aside, this b-loc bloody has flabbergasted my tastebuds beyond belief. If there was a sun-dried tomato-based tomato juice, then that must be what they have at b-loc's (even though I can only imagine extracting juice from a sun-DRIED tomato would be prohibitivley difficult). This bloody had a smooth, mildly spicy flavor with a hint of smokeyness, and the perfect undertone of vine-ripened tomaotes. Also something I happen to really appreciate: the visual evidence of celery seeds rather than celery salt.

On flavor alone this bloody was simply TDF (to die for), and despite the lack of salted rim and granishes, I can definitely stand behind this bloody. Although I did not order food during this sitting, I can say from experince that a fat burrito from b-loc's would have gone stunningly alongside of this robust bloody mary.

Please excuse me for not paying close attention to the tab today--I was a little over the top and didn't make sure to total the price of this particular bloody, but instead the entire tab: 1 bloody and 1 shot of Canadian Winsdor ran me 11.30$
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