What's up with being a mean drunk? When I'm drunk I love all, and I want all to know it. My roommate and I had a party on Friday and her friends are a bunch of bitches. Shit-talkers (and not even in a hilarious, I don't mean this but I kinda do sense), disrespectful of the home that's hosting the party, and cruel.
I found a Guthrie employee passed out and the stupid little bitches had written all over his arms in permanent marker, wtf? At that point I wondered if I had done a time warp and was back in my home town at a high school party with a bunch of people I secretly hated. But guess what? I don't have so secretly hate these bitches, I openly hate them, everybody, I hate these bitches.
Also, the little bitches kept leaving the door to the apartment open. Perhaps, and this is just a theory, they were all born in a barn. I have a cat, and I really like her. I would rather she didn't run away, and if I was her, I would run as far as possible from the little bitches.
Also, after all my Guthrie friends had either left or passed out, I heard them talking shit! How DARE they! If I talk shit about my friends, it comes from a place of love. And yes, I am talking shit now, I realize that, but I believe I have more grounds than, "and that weird guy kept messing with the stereo and telling me my music sucked." Your music does suck, and you shouldn't be playing music anyway since it isn't your party.
Oh how I hate the little bitches. Guess what little bitches? NO MORE PARTIES AT THIS APARTMENT! If you're gonna be there, I'm sure as hell not.
Also, why do you all look the same? It's seriously like some sort of nightmare.